Friday, July 31, 2009

Always On My Mind

Here's a word I won't be saying much here..DADDY. It's a long story and I don't usually talk about it.
Yesterday Daddy turned 54, and I didn't wish him birthday wish coz I lost his number. Lame excuse, haha..anyway, its another long story how I lost my own father's number..ho ho ho..I didn't wish him directly does not mean I forgot, in fact, I never did forgot Daddy's birthday ever. When July 30th approaches every year, I am always reminded of him.
I love my Dad though we don't see each other often. I pray for his good health, for his well being, for his happiness and everything good. May the Lord continue to shower Daddy with blessings. Not just Daddy alone, but the rest of the Tambunan family as well.

Its so cliché to put up Daddy's pic after few sentences about him, but I don't mind being cliché once in a while. Pic taken Feb 2008, Mogong Tambunan. Noise intended in the pic, I'm trying for 'old' feeling but the color is still blah. I am never going to be good in photoshop. Uh..

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Mid-Week Entry

I'm terrible at giving titles.

As for today, Dr A finished lectures for her subject. She managed to finish 14-week syllabus in just FOUR weeks, cool or what. Everything got squeezed and la to revise? By final exam on Nov, probably all those complex numbers will be unsaturated and rusty.

The good thing is my Wednesday and Friday is now class-free. More time to do my dissertation then.yayyy!

On the other topic, I got a new cousin. Baby Eziel was born last Monday, and she's the fourth Bidayuh-Dusun in the family. I'm excited to see her!

Ecclesiastes 3 said, there is a time for everything. "A time to be born and a time to die." We have newborn in the family, and Malaysia lost one of the best movie makers ever.

Benjoe texted me early Sunday morning about her death and I was REALLY shocked coz I was unaware that she collapsed last week. Another star gone too soon...and too sudden.
She's an amazing individual, provocative and extra-ordinary. I love the way she portray Malaysia as a multi-cultured nation, I love her sarcastic scripts, I love the way she thinks, I love the way she touches the heart, I love her taste in music, I love the plot and values that penetrates deep inside my mind, I love her honesty and simplicity, I love every single details in her films. She's a great story teller! I am a follower of her blog, and it's obvious that her blog is going to be silent onwards. I have watched all of her films except Rabun and Muallaf (I guess) and all of her films ARE MY FAVORITE. IMO, she's not in the film industry mainstream yet she succeeded far greater than most Malaysian movie maker. Her movies are not the stereotype Malaysian movies, and I really hope there's more movie makers like her out there that will emerge soon. She's among the very few Malaysian personality I really admire..d. Rest in peace Yasmin Ahmad.

A time for everything..and now is the time for books and numbers!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thanking God Its Friday!!

Early this morning, I saw like dozens of TGIFs on FB status. Whoa, everyone is thankful that it's FRIDAY today. I certainly do as well!

As for today, I've sent in a programming assignment which I really thought meant to be submitted next week. I totally s*cked in programming. I'm not good in calculus, neither applied maths nor statistics..but programming is the worst. So far, most of my assignments are done by big bro who is a self-proclaimed excellent programmer and some by my classmates. I AM NOT PROUD WITH IT! But I can't help it. I can force myself doing the proof of Cauchy Riemann Polar Form Theorem or doing statistical analysis on hundreds of data but I totally can't force myself do a single page of programming. Simple command, yes..but as a mathematician (quoting Dr J's fav line), I am expected to do better. But I'm thankful that the subject is not ON programming but just some minor application of programming in solving problems.

I'm also thankful that for this task, some good-hearted angels helped. Literally. Some people ARE an angel without them realizing it. A person made me smile by just appearing in-front of me today, I call him/her an angel. Some made prominent impact, some don't but in the end they made a difference. Hence, they're an angel to me. Simply existing brings a lot of difference, so I pray that my existence made someone else's life whatever aspect.

Apart from this numerical subject, I am currently learning new language in programming. Done C++ before, and now MATLAB. I need to start from scratch again, need to learn those basic commands all over again. It really is like learning new language and I have to do it for my artificial neural network thing. Uh, I need a miracle so badly!

Huh. So glad that I'm heading home and gonna feed up my spiritual hunger this weekend. Did I say I'm thankful that it's Friday? Thankful will be the word that appear most frequently here..after all, this is my belogg of gratitude. I have abundance of blessing, it's so wrong not to be thankful.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Cupcakes & Animal Cruelty

Seriously, I can't find the common factor between these two. But who cares anyway?

Some campaign against animal cruelty (I think) was held in foyer UMS library today..and they're selling cupcakes. Despite of running VERY low on cash, I still bought three for my breakfast tomorrow. Uh, when are you going to learn Cha?

I am not a fan of how it is decorated, they could have done it much cuter...but I don't mind. After all, it's going to end up digested..such a waste on food beautification then.

wondermilk has gorgeous cupcake designs, the ultimate art of cupcakes..cuties..sweeties..smoochies..can't believe how much effort done on ONE TINY THING!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ear Candy atm.

Baby bro (Koishii) searched this song for his Rennai (gf) few months ago and I went ' siokkk' when I heard it for the first time. Definitely one of my favorite-est!

Call me melancholic and emo-ish..I don't care, I JUST LOVE IT!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Sungguh Laju

Minggu kedua kuliah, Dr A sudah habis mengajar 3 bab dalam Kalkulus Pembolehubah Kompleks. 3 bab tersebut bersamaan dengan satu jilid buku teks saiz B5, approx 280 ms. Huh. Rancangan awal, minggu ketiga mahu diadakan MidTerm suda..nasib baik beliau memahami kondisi pelajar yang masih dalam proses meng'adjust' diri dari mode cuti ke mode belajar. Minggu ke3 MidTerm? Nasib baik ditunda ke minggu Ke5. Jika tiada halangan, minggu ke6 akan selesai lah kuliah untuk kursus ini. Mungkin terus final exam kut?Kalau ditunggu lama-lama, berkarat pula ilmu-ilmu yang diturunkan oleh beliau. Mengapa kah Dr A mengajar dengan begitu pantas? Bundle of joy is coming! Sungguh comel beliau pregnant..hehe..

Kepantasan beliau mengajar menimbulkan kebimbangan pula. Ini bermakna, pengulangan kaji harus dimulakan dalam masa yang terdekat. Sejujurnya, I tak suke la nombor kompleks ni.hehe. Nombor nyata pun susah, apa lagi nombor kompleks..terang-terangan namanya memang kompleks.huhu. Ntah apa la kegunaan belajar nombor kompleks dalam kehidupan seharian ni (nada paling pesimistik), dapat A pun bukan boleh tolong lulus temuduga kerja kan? Bikin cantik transkrip ja la..haha.. Anyway, one of my fav maths lecturer said "Studying and solving maths train your brain to solve daily problems in the most analytical'll tend to think that each problem has a solution, no matter how complicated it may seem". Lebih kurang begitu la kata-katanya...and it's a motivation for me to study.

Saya tidak dapat melihat masa depan saya dalam least in my foreseeable future. Complexity of maths is not for me.. But I am still going to strive hard kerana dalam satu tempoh masa yang tidak tertakrif, mungkin saya memerlukannya juga.

Apapun, in the next 24 hours I am so glad to liberalize myself from school, studies, daily issues etc.. I'm gonna indulge in Sabbath delight. I so love my Saturday!

Smart sungguh ini gambar..I like!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Feeling Much Better

After one and a half day in bed, cuddled inside my blankie; a trip to the doctor which costs me rm28 for consultation, antibiotic, paracetamol, vit C and some ubat kumur2; specially cooked lunch - stir-fried veggie & chicken soup (yummmmy) by mum who came all the way from home; excellent tender loving care by my lovely sister; green apples which is damn sour; bergelen-gelen warm water (haha); and I believe, prayers..I am finally feeling much better.

I missed two lectures and an appointment with my supervisor. And I am feeling guilty of doing nothing all day when there's dozens of works. Can't do anything about it though, I don't get sick very often. Once every semester, that's it.

Baby bro got sick last Sunday, and I literally laughed at him. Serves me right, haha. But poor mum, one sick child after another. My grandparents even insisted on mum to take me back home, which I really WANT but can' Huh. I can't afford to get sick anymore especially this semester..crucial semester!

However, being sick doesn't mean I can't say my gratitude. I can still smile and laugh, because really, lots of other people are suffering much worse illness than mine.

Can't wait be fully recovered and eat ice-cream!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Healthier and Wealthier

That's my resolution for this semester..ya, resolutions are not meant for new years least, not for me.

Health notes.
  1. Foodie: I am already a seasonal vegan and I don't think I can be pure vegan any time soon, coz I LOVE MiSupKB so much! The only thing I can do is optimizing my nutritious meal intake. Back at home in kampung, our meal menu would be brown (or is it red) rice, boiled veggies, lean protein..then, on weekend the menu got a bit luxurious. But still, it's organic, wholegrain, low-fat, etc.. They are serious with their health. Here in KK, we're trying to be healthy with our cooking too but it takes time to learn the ropes. I can't stop my habit of brunching with white rice+2-egged omelette..EVERY DAY. Sometimes there will be potatoes or tomatoes or onions but if laziness struck, salt n pepper is enough. I am also cutting down instant noodles and sugary treats but it's damn hard, I just can't help myself.
  2. Working out: I walk a lot. I mean, A LOT. This uphill apartment is a good thing; I am forced to walk on my feet on certain circumstances. So I guess that would be my daily cardio routine.
  3. Rest: I can't go to bed at 10pm on schooldays..but I am working on a healthier bedtime and rise up..still can't figure it out though, especially when all of my class for this sem starts at 2pm..definitely gonna wake up at 9am..huh.
  4. Thoughts: I've been doing the 'healthy mind' thing for quite some time, and I feel great about it. I choose to be happy every day as I wake up, I try not to judge others coz I don't know what they're going through, I TRY to see the beauty in every event, I ask myself two things before spreading a news (is it true? is it necessary?), I'm working on my profanity-free language, I want to live drama-free, I want to be nice to others, I want to smile to strangers, AND I want to lessen the usage of the word 'I'..sounds too self-centered.
  5. Spirituality: Can't wait to resume CARE Group-IF I CAN resist going back home on weekends! Fellowship and being part of the family of believers makes me healthy! Studying the Scripture and connecting with Heavenly Father makes me even healthier..okay, I sounded too, I am not.
Wealth notes.
Last semester, I recorded my expenses and what I did with my money in Excel (haha..). I am not surprised to see plenty of cloths, shoes, bags in the list. I know myself, and I know what makes me weak in term of splurging and spending. So, for this sem, I got myself ready with my so-called wise financial planning. It will only be wise if I am strict enough to follow my own rules.
  1. MUST (No negotiation): Tithe (this screams RELIGIOUS!!!!!), I am obliged to pay my tithe coz scholarship is sort of an income, not the same thing with loans. House rent which is cheaper than hostel fee in UMS and streamyx bill which is acceptable since I only pay 25% of it..ya, that's all. Great.
  2. NEED (Life's better with it): School stuffs which consists of stationeries, bus fare, lunch money and foodie money. I'll be needing reams of papers and spare ink cartridge for my dissertation, which is NOT green since most of the papers are going to be rejected and wasted. I'm gonna save up on bus fare by walking to IP via that Taman Bukit Sepangar shortcut, but really, 50cent is not that much when the sun is hot and I am just lazy to walk. I also can save up my lunch money by lunching at home..omelettes again. But seriously, I had to save up for emergency lunch outing in 1B or ThienThien.
  3. WANT (I'm not going to die without it): Okay, I heard an advice on shopping "List down the things you wanted today, check it back weeks later. Most probably you don't want it anymore". I don't know whether it works but I'm gonna try anyway. My top three wishlist are external hard drive, Pet shop bag and travel book from Harris. This semester, I have shorter wishlist and it surprises me! I finally come to my senses and changed for good eh? Or did I came to realize that new dress/sandal/bags don't really define who I am? I am cultivating wealthier thought with being modest with my shopping..good job Cha *pats own back*. My scholarship is not that much, but it will be enough..hopefully.
  4. MISC (malas to categorize): I put aside several amount for my ASB investment, not much but okay for a student. By doing that, I have my VERY OWN saving before I even got employed..Oh, I am so matured. I am also eye-ing on a trip opportunity to Manila on October (escape class macam selalu?huhu) and MAYBE Bali/Bandung on December..It would be really nice if I can go there on my own expenses kan..*sigh*

A super long post as kickstart for this semester. Finally, my final year and I am going to do it right!

Bertekad Cemerlang.. yahhh!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I Miss Him

This is Scott aka Kikok. He's a boy from church who loves sitting next to me as I draw pictures of animals for him instead of concentrating to the sermon..(^.^) Last Sabbath (Saturday), I drew Mickey Mouse for him and he responded "Miau?..." Oh, I am such a bad artist. Aku menerima hakikat yang hakiki bahawa aku sememangnya tidak ditakdirkan untuk melukis..hoho..
He loves tickling me during prayers, poking my ribs as we stood up and sing hymns..he is such a cutie.
We're having fellowship meeting at his place for the last few nights, and since I'm here in KK, he's looking for me...awww, cutie cutie...
Can't wait to see him and play with him this weekend. Wrong reasons to go to church? Heeee...

Pic courtesy of Yoyong.

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