Met Uncle No 4 at Grand Ballroom 1B during our Sabbath worship and he told me : Haro moti flute tahakon diya dih *Uncle No 1's name*.
Me : Topot boh?Yuhuuuu..
And later that evening, I got myself hand-me-down Elkhart Indiana Flute. I think I am the third owner of the flute. Uncle No 4 to Uncle No 1 to Niece No 2.
24 hours later, I succeeded playing C-Major Scale and Seek Ye First chorus. Not bad for a beginner. (Puji diri sendiri)
Huh. And I'm sure my uncles are expecting to see loads of progress soon. That means, I have to squeeze some time for flute blowing in between my dissertation+mid-term revisions+lab test revision+dozens of assignments+munching Snickers+virtual farming.
And seriously, I am starting from zero. I rely solely on online tutorials. But I am excited! It's never too late to learn something new (and something I always wanted to do!). I quit formal piano lesson when I was younger, but thankfully, I still can play kampung-kampung la.(^.^) Now, I want to start again! With flute.
My aspiration for flute is to play Via Dolorosa duet with guitar. Simplistic and realistic.
Aspiring to play the flute scene from Jay Chou's movie : Secret (still struggling finding the title!) would be too much eh? Okay, I get it. One step at a time baby step at a time. I have yet to learn the proper breathing and blowing technique. Uh. I can't help myself from being too ambitious.
Oii..I'm having midterm exam tomorrow morning. Stop typing. Now.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Heavenly Snack on Earth
Bila saya busy, saya makan Snickers.
Bila saya lapar, saya makan Snickers.
Bila saya kenyang, saya makan Snickers.
Bila saya baru bangun, saya makan Snickers.
Bila saya mau tidur, saya makan Snickers.
Bila saya gembira, saya makan Snickers.
Bila saya tension, saya makan Snickers.
Bila saya cemas, saya makan Snickers.
Bila saya tenang, saya makan Snickers.
Bila baru mau mula buat assignment, saya makan Snickers.
Bila mau rehat sekejap, saya makan Snickers.
Bila sudah siap buat, saya makan Snickers.
Dimana-mana, bila-bila dan apa-apa kejadian, SAYA MAKAN SNICKERS!
Fakta Ringkas
^^Susah mau cari benda ni, ada di Tong Hing (dan supermarket terpilih) tapi sangat mahal. Terpaksa order dari cos-mate yang orang Labuan. (-.-")
^^Snek kegemaran semenjak berumur 5 tahun, uncle No 1 selalu kasi beli untuk kami adik-beradik. Suka nampak karamelnya yang macam elastik.
^^Breakfast saya (plus Anlene) setiap pagi semasa Tahun 2, Sem 1 dan PNGS saya pada sem itulah yang paling tinggi dibandingkan sem-sem lain. (Teda kaitan..saja-saja mo include)
^^Ingatkan kena ban time krisis melamine+China, nasib baik ada di pasaran juga sekarang. Demand and Supply! (or is it Supply and Demand?)
^^Dapat dijumpai dalam beg saya kemana-mana saya pergi..kuliah, church, mindahu, membeli-belah, etc.
^^Disimpan di tempat paling tersembunyi untuk mengelakkan adik saya curi-curi makan. Sekejap ja abis ni nanti.
^^Saya tidak kisah kandungan gula nya. Yang penting bahagia semasa mengunyah lapisan coklat, karamel dan kekacangnya.
^^Makanan PALING DISUKAI..sama ranking dengan Mi Sup KB.
God Bless the Snickers
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Doing MATLAB is torturing when nobody is helping you.
It will be as blank as the image shown above. I don't even know where to start.
Doing Artificial Neural Network, with (again) NOBODY helping is another torture.
How should my poor brain process all those networks above? I can't even do single linear network, and I am expected to do multiple layers? I'm dead.
Even deadlier when I have to run Artificial Neural Network using MATLAB, with again, NO ONE I can ask for help.
There's no references from previous dissertation, Madam N said I am the first ME undergrad to do ANN. (Should I be happy or what?). I am expected to explore the wonders of ANN by myself! I don't know how the output is going to look like..round?square?spherical?rhombus?.. I HAVE NO IDEA..not even the slightest visualization!
Father in heaven, I am sure Thee has so much to teach me through this dissertation. I have to learn being in the pioneer situation, with no road ventured. I have to mark my own trail.
It is hard for a human to say this, but I am thankful for this challenge. I know I will emerge as a more equipped person after I succeed doing this. I believe in Your mighty plans, as there's no trials beyond what I can bear. You'll provide a way out so that I can stand up under it.
After all, I can DO ALL THINGS through Christ! Father, I pray for Your angels and Holy Spirit to be with me as I resume my works. Grant me peace of mind. In Christ blessed name, I pray. Amen.
Exhale. And I am feeling much better. Optimism and short talk with the Authorities up there always works for me.

Doing Artificial Neural Network, with (again) NOBODY helping is another torture.

Even deadlier when I have to run Artificial Neural Network using MATLAB, with again, NO ONE I can ask for help.
There's no references from previous dissertation, Madam N said I am the first ME undergrad to do ANN. (Should I be happy or what?). I am expected to explore the wonders of ANN by myself! I don't know how the output is going to look like..round?square?spherical?rhombus?.. I HAVE NO IDEA..not even the slightest visualization!
Father in heaven, I am sure Thee has so much to teach me through this dissertation. I have to learn being in the pioneer situation, with no road ventured. I have to mark my own trail.
It is hard for a human to say this, but I am thankful for this challenge. I know I will emerge as a more equipped person after I succeed doing this. I believe in Your mighty plans, as there's no trials beyond what I can bear. You'll provide a way out so that I can stand up under it.
After all, I can DO ALL THINGS through Christ! Father, I pray for Your angels and Holy Spirit to be with me as I resume my works. Grant me peace of mind. In Christ blessed name, I pray. Amen.
Exhale. And I am feeling much better. Optimism and short talk with the Authorities up there always works for me.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
F.U.N. in Ayam, Itik, Sapi Island.
Obviously, I have to blog about yesterday's blessing!
As for now, I am suffering an aching sun-burn. I DID put on sunscreen but I guess I didn't re-apply it when I should have had. Surprisingly, my nose is not peeling off like usual..but my back and shoulder are still in reddish tone.
Here's our journey. (Same pics from FB)
Jesselton Point, 9am. Thousand apology to Claud coz me & Adel arrived late..SoWiEe~
We hit off Manukan Island first and ready for our first water sport. We got in the same boat with four Sarawakian siblings who's up to the same game with us.
Thanks to our Sarawakian boat-mate for this pic.
And yes, that's me and Claud. Thanks to Adel for the pic.
Parasailing is something I always wanted to do. My very first memory of seeing a parasail is in Tg Aru beach. I was still a kid, but I never stop dreaming to be the one up in the air, pulled by a boat. Yesterday, it was realized. Praise the Lord for the opportunity.
The view from up there is breathtakingly beautiful. It's so wide, so blue, and so alone. Me and Claud screamed our heart out, made wishes and can't stop being amazed. We really love to stay up there and being trapped to that particular airstream. Frankly, it was not terrifying at all, despite of me being an occasional altophobic. I had faith on the crews that was handling the gears, and seriously, what's the worst thing that could have happened anyway? Falling down? It's the wide blue ocean down there..not solid ground.
The feeling is amazing. Carefree. Almost worry-absent. I really want a second time for this.
We went back to Manukan..and snorkeled. The beach was kinda crowded, and it's working day! Can't imagine how it looks like on weekends. However, crowds lifts up the atmosphere. It lightens the mood when ironically it should have been a cramped situation. There's something about beach that cheers you up.
My kampung is just a few minutes drive away from the beach and I literally grew up going to the beach, fishing with granpa and uncles in the sea, camped by the beach, picnic, you name it. But I don't go the resort-beach very often..and it's a different feeling being in Manukan. Everyone there are expecting to have a good time, relaxing with friends and loved ones. I am definitely one of them.
We had lunch packed from home to save up some expenses, and we ate while waiting for our transfer to Mamutik.
Mamutik. We snorkeled again before heading for another water sport, banana boat ride.
This one was fun too. Fun in the sense of speed, jumping over waves and terrified of falling off from the banana boat. We tasted the saltiness of the sea in our mouth and eyes.
Both shot were taken by the boatman. The first one was taken on static condition, but this one was taken while we were riding full of speed. When he turned around to take picture, I was thinking "Then, who's driving the boat?". Lol. He was so skilled, he can turn back and leave the steering wheel anytime he likes.
Back in Mamutik, it was less crowded from Manukan. People are really relaxing, sunbathing and enjoying idleness.
I love this pic because I can see five elements of the earth in layers here. Sandy beach, crystal clear+greenish+bluish ocean, supposed-to-be dark green island hills,blue+white sky and a HUMAN BEING representing life. There's much more can be done to improve the editing for this pic, e.g the color of the sky is totally out. But I won't care much, I am not fussy.
Us in coordinated top, before leaving Mamutik. Thanks to an innocent by-stander for the pic.
Next up, transfer to Sapi island. We had the boat for ourselves..there's three of us, the boatman and his teenage crew. The boatman was also the "agent" for our trip. On our way to Sapi, he let us handle the steering wheel! Whoa, drive a boat? I didn't expect that. Anyway, it's a lot easier to drive the boat coz there's no road to drive on. Just get in the right angle and direction, and you'll get there. Probably it's easy because the sea was calm and still. I don't want to imagine how hard it would be when the sea is roaring.
We just want to snorkel in Sapi, but it's already low tide. So, our boatman took us to a scuba dive site and let us snorkel there..which is illegal, according to him. Only skilled divers (and maybe beginners) are allowed there.
That place was creepily deep. Well, it IS called dive can't dive in shallow place right? I snorkeled with my right hand clinging tightly to the boat's tangga. The life jacket did its function very well, thank you.
The marine view? B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. Corals, colorful marine life, clownfish, starfish, etc. Just like the one I always saw on TV, only much more beautiful coz I am seeing it with my own eyes. What I saw in Sapi was beautiful enough, Sipadan got to be REEEALLLLY beautiful then.
Sapi is almost silent..we got there late in the afternoon and everyone is going back already. It feels secluded but perfect for those in need of seclusion. We spend brief moments there, just to shower and get changed.
And that's the end of our island hopping adventures. Tired of seeing half-naked people all day long..=p
We had amazing flight up in the air, exhilarated on the surface, saw stunning sea life down under..which concludes that we had a great time. One item crossed from my to-do before I die list. (^.^)

I am absolutely blessed to have wonderful time with two wonderful besties, enjoying and exploring the wonderful creations in those islands. Thank You Lord.
As for now, I am suffering an aching sun-burn. I DID put on sunscreen but I guess I didn't re-apply it when I should have had. Surprisingly, my nose is not peeling off like usual..but my back and shoulder are still in reddish tone.
Here's our journey. (Same pics from FB)
We hit off Manukan Island first and ready for our first water sport. We got in the same boat with four Sarawakian siblings who's up to the same game with us.
The view from up there is breathtakingly beautiful. It's so wide, so blue, and so alone. Me and Claud screamed our heart out, made wishes and can't stop being amazed. We really love to stay up there and being trapped to that particular airstream. Frankly, it was not terrifying at all, despite of me being an occasional altophobic. I had faith on the crews that was handling the gears, and seriously, what's the worst thing that could have happened anyway? Falling down? It's the wide blue ocean down there..not solid ground.
The feeling is amazing. Carefree. Almost worry-absent. I really want a second time for this.
We went back to Manukan..and snorkeled. The beach was kinda crowded, and it's working day! Can't imagine how it looks like on weekends. However, crowds lifts up the atmosphere. It lightens the mood when ironically it should have been a cramped situation. There's something about beach that cheers you up.
My kampung is just a few minutes drive away from the beach and I literally grew up going to the beach, fishing with granpa and uncles in the sea, camped by the beach, picnic, you name it. But I don't go the resort-beach very often..and it's a different feeling being in Manukan. Everyone there are expecting to have a good time, relaxing with friends and loved ones. I am definitely one of them.
We had lunch packed from home to save up some expenses, and we ate while waiting for our transfer to Mamutik.
Mamutik. We snorkeled again before heading for another water sport, banana boat ride.
Back in Mamutik, it was less crowded from Manukan. People are really relaxing, sunbathing and enjoying idleness.
Next up, transfer to Sapi island. We had the boat for ourselves..there's three of us, the boatman and his teenage crew. The boatman was also the "agent" for our trip. On our way to Sapi, he let us handle the steering wheel! Whoa, drive a boat? I didn't expect that. Anyway, it's a lot easier to drive the boat coz there's no road to drive on. Just get in the right angle and direction, and you'll get there. Probably it's easy because the sea was calm and still. I don't want to imagine how hard it would be when the sea is roaring.
We just want to snorkel in Sapi, but it's already low tide. So, our boatman took us to a scuba dive site and let us snorkel there..which is illegal, according to him. Only skilled divers (and maybe beginners) are allowed there.
The marine view? B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L. Corals, colorful marine life, clownfish, starfish, etc. Just like the one I always saw on TV, only much more beautiful coz I am seeing it with my own eyes. What I saw in Sapi was beautiful enough, Sipadan got to be REEEALLLLY beautiful then.
And that's the end of our island hopping adventures. Tired of seeing half-naked people all day long..=p
We had amazing flight up in the air, exhilarated on the surface, saw stunning sea life down under..which concludes that we had a great time. One item crossed from my to-do before I die list. (^.^)
I am absolutely blessed to have wonderful time with two wonderful besties, enjoying and exploring the wonderful creations in those islands. Thank You Lord.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Money is a lousy way of keeping score.
Human nature. Superiority. Root of all evil. The unseen reason why I study hard in the first place. FOR THE LOVE OF MONEY. Well, technically not LOVE as in lovey-dovey love..but love as in : I want to earn more for a better living.
It is one of my major struggle. Financial management. Yep, financial management for an undergraduate who does not even have monthly salary yet.
One of the 2nd year junior announced that Financial Management seminar/workshop/whatever will be held by Nazril Idrus..We were like, Nazril who? Then he whispered in lower voice, "Suami Sazzy Falak". The fees are 3-figured (forgot the exact no), but lowered to RM25 for students. Great, you PAY to learn money management. I googled on him, and found out that he's a financial consultant, aside from his many other profession. He surely knows how to generate income. Honestly, I would love to go..but I decided not to. Watching Oprah with her financial consultant guest is kinda the same thing.
Financial Maths (a.k.a. Business Maths/Commerce Maths) was one of the very few major subject that I scored good..not excellent but far better than Calculus, Stats, Programming and the likes. I love the subject because it's very applicable in real life and maybe because Madam N was the lecturer. There's something about Madam N's lecture that makes me totally drawn. She's loves deviating from the real topic she was discussing..she loves telling stories about her experiences studying in England..she loves sharing the real life facts..Not merely teaching what's in the textbook. Not everyone share my fondness of her stories anyway, but for me, it's informative. After all, that's what I need the most. Experiences from those who had traveled the road before me. Madam N is an all-rounded person and soon to be Dr N. She's a blessing..because she's my project supervisor.=)
Anyway, back to money story. Yesterday was the incident of 'Tiga Gadis Bertopeng Membeli-belah di Sepanjang Jalan Jesselton Point-Wawasan Plaza'..and it's a loooooooong journey with loads of money spent along the way. Huh! What did I bought? Swimwear, surfshort, another selipar jipun *sigh*. The shopping sequel was today, 'Insiden Membeli-belah Seorang Diri di 1B'. I browsed shops from South-North in search of the best bargain. 2-hours excursion resulted the purchase of Hawaiian-print sling bag and polarized+UV Shield sun glass.
I am happy with those purchases, because I need those for my day-trip next Monday. But I am unhappy with the expenditures. I mean, green notes after green notes and suddenly I don't have any more green notes. I even ran out of red notes. Principles of economics really applies here, THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH. Huhu, reminds me of Macroeconomic Final Paper.
Money will always be an important essential but it should not dominate your life. I am constantly learning for a wiser management, but I am happy with the flaws along the way.
Mataduitan+mintapuji+geligelaman shot..and its amazing how fast all those green notes are gone. Uh, sungguh boros.
And here's what I am expecting to do next week. Can't wait!
Uhm, another green note spent!
It is one of my major struggle. Financial management. Yep, financial management for an undergraduate who does not even have monthly salary yet.
One of the 2nd year junior announced that Financial Management seminar/workshop/whatever will be held by Nazril Idrus..We were like, Nazril who? Then he whispered in lower voice, "Suami Sazzy Falak". The fees are 3-figured (forgot the exact no), but lowered to RM25 for students. Great, you PAY to learn money management. I googled on him, and found out that he's a financial consultant, aside from his many other profession. He surely knows how to generate income. Honestly, I would love to go..but I decided not to. Watching Oprah with her financial consultant guest is kinda the same thing.
Financial Maths (a.k.a. Business Maths/Commerce Maths) was one of the very few major subject that I scored good..not excellent but far better than Calculus, Stats, Programming and the likes. I love the subject because it's very applicable in real life and maybe because Madam N was the lecturer. There's something about Madam N's lecture that makes me totally drawn. She's loves deviating from the real topic she was discussing..she loves telling stories about her experiences studying in England..she loves sharing the real life facts..Not merely teaching what's in the textbook. Not everyone share my fondness of her stories anyway, but for me, it's informative. After all, that's what I need the most. Experiences from those who had traveled the road before me. Madam N is an all-rounded person and soon to be Dr N. She's a blessing..because she's my project supervisor.=)
Anyway, back to money story. Yesterday was the incident of 'Tiga Gadis Bertopeng Membeli-belah di Sepanjang Jalan Jesselton Point-Wawasan Plaza'..and it's a loooooooong journey with loads of money spent along the way. Huh! What did I bought? Swimwear, surfshort, another selipar jipun *sigh*. The shopping sequel was today, 'Insiden Membeli-belah Seorang Diri di 1B'. I browsed shops from South-North in search of the best bargain. 2-hours excursion resulted the purchase of Hawaiian-print sling bag and polarized+UV Shield sun glass.
I am happy with those purchases, because I need those for my day-trip next Monday. But I am unhappy with the expenditures. I mean, green notes after green notes and suddenly I don't have any more green notes. I even ran out of red notes. Principles of economics really applies here, THERE IS NO FREE LUNCH. Huhu, reminds me of Macroeconomic Final Paper.
Money will always be an important essential but it should not dominate your life. I am constantly learning for a wiser management, but I am happy with the flaws along the way.
And here's what I am expecting to do next week. Can't wait!

Friday, August 7, 2009
Having 6 days of class this week makes me almost crazy! Class on Sunday, midterm, test, quizzes, due dates...uh, all of those makes me appreciate my Sabbath even more!
I really need a day-off, and thanks, I have my Saturday!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Share Him
Before I go to my SHARE HIM point, here's what happened today:
Okay, Share Him was an evangelistic meeting which started from July 25th and ended on Aug 2nd. The speakers are around 10 (including some spouses), each assigned in churches around KB and Tenghilan. Most of them came from the island of Caribbean, Trinidad&Tobago, Papua (I think)..i.e. they're black. However, we have Aussie speaker in my kampung. The speakers are still studying to be pastor but they're excellent preacher already. Too bad I can only attend on Friday and Saturday. It's great to attend that meeting, my faith is definitely rejuvenated and I am knowing The Almighty Him closer and closer. Some questions were answered, and I learned loads of new knowledge. A blessed meeting!
Had baptism after church on the last day.
I, myself was baptized when I was 10. If I were to do it all over again, I honestly don't want to be baptized at such young age. Blame it on peer pressure. At this age, I am still learning. Well, there's no precise guideline on what age you should be baptized, it all comes from your own self.
Sekadar gambar selingan. I can't live without umbrella.
After baptism, we had potluck lunch at Omong's place..A few families, with our guest Colin and Kerry. To my amazement, he ate a spoonful of bosou and he liked it! He liked kampung foods, but not a fan of durian which he called 'the fruit that smells like hell, tastes like heaven' but at one point changed his mind, 'smells like hell, tastes like hell as well'.
After closing Sabbath that evening, we indirectly immersed Dusun culture to our Aussie guest.

They were presented with Kadazan costume, Sinurangga? They're popular among the kids..and adults..who doesn't enjoy the company of urang putih, anyway?

Elder Colin with his sumazau move..kinda looks weird.
Looking much better here.
Kerry doing the mogigol..she got the rhythm easily.

A bit reluctant with the magunatip..
But they tried anyway..successfully.
Overall, we love having Elder Colin and his wife, Kerry in Kelawat..and we hoped they enjoyed their stay here.
One last gambar selingan..anak-anak the local church elders and future elders, perhaps? O.o
- Doomed my MidTerm on Dr A's subject..(always did anyway..)
- Went to Bank Rakyat for some money business..alone.
- Lunched at KFC Wisma Merdeka..alone.
- Shopped for blouse and sandal..(again)..alone.
Okay, Share Him was an evangelistic meeting which started from July 25th and ended on Aug 2nd. The speakers are around 10 (including some spouses), each assigned in churches around KB and Tenghilan. Most of them came from the island of Caribbean, Trinidad&Tobago, Papua (I think)..i.e. they're black. However, we have Aussie speaker in my kampung. The speakers are still studying to be pastor but they're excellent preacher already. Too bad I can only attend on Friday and Saturday. It's great to attend that meeting, my faith is definitely rejuvenated and I am knowing The Almighty Him closer and closer. Some questions were answered, and I learned loads of new knowledge. A blessed meeting!
Had baptism after church on the last day.
After baptism, we had potluck lunch at Omong's place..A few families, with our guest Colin and Kerry. To my amazement, he ate a spoonful of bosou and he liked it! He liked kampung foods, but not a fan of durian which he called 'the fruit that smells like hell, tastes like heaven' but at one point changed his mind, 'smells like hell, tastes like hell as well'.
After closing Sabbath that evening, we indirectly immersed Dusun culture to our Aussie guest.
They were presented with Kadazan costume, Sinurangga? They're popular among the kids..and adults..who doesn't enjoy the company of urang putih, anyway?
Elder Colin with his sumazau move..kinda looks weird.
A bit reluctant with the magunatip..
Overall, we love having Elder Colin and his wife, Kerry in Kelawat..and we hoped they enjoyed their stay here.
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