Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Attended the 9th Southeast Asia Union Mission International Pathfinder Camporee, and IT WAS AWESOME! I am no longer in the Pathfinder age, yet I had fun. I don't know what drama lies behind the organizing committee, still I think they all did a great job :)

Memories from the 6th Camporee in Kem Matang Kuching, Sarawak and 7th Camporee in Chimkul Camp, Saraburi, Thailand linger still. (I missed the 8th) I've aged a lot since, and I felt somehow that I've outgrown the activities, but what matters most is the spirit! Kan? Once a Pathfinder, always a Pathfinder..^^

Here's some pictures. I'm too lazy to upload it in facebook.

The military tent and campbed. Natural floors that were quite inconvenient, especially with the rain. Fun nonetheless ^^

AIIAS (Philippines) Pathfinders drilling in the heavy shower of rain.

Kadi, Mum, Aung, Lollie with the camporee backdrop.

Sleepyface at the camp cafeteria.

Mum+ Aung with their new Laotian friends.

Skill class: Marine flag signalling. Tough to memorize.

Cuzzy Kristi!

Mum with her longtime friend, Aunty Nita

Painting class

Adults in the painting class. ^___^

meal time!

 Kadi + Mum with World Pathfinder Director, Jonatan Tejel (red) and Southern Asia Pacific Division Youth Director, Jobbie Yabut (tall)..with a Sri Lankan. :) What a privilege to have them there!

 Probably one of the most famous participant, Mr Haanu from Finland..with his national costume, I assume.

 Thai boy selling cutie goods..too bad I'm poor.


I got the mini clogs...and full set of Netherlands Euro coins.

China's booth selling sparkling pins.

Sulads beads.

Limited items from Finland.

Managed to get the doll. Plus two more ;p

Stamping passport in Cambodia..booth.

Two out of three Vietnamese in the camp.

Laotian costume which is very alike with some Sabah's costume.

Sri Lanka's booth

Cool poster.

Zimbabwe guy representing United Arab Emirates.

Thai massage RM1 for 2mins.

Korean, Haitian, Argentine, Chilean, Indonesian, Mongolian in one booth (AIIAS)..pretty crowded.

Mini United Nations?

Laotian jual murah in their booth.

Tired from traveling across dozens of countries within few hours.


Testimonies from Mr. Gouge

Nope, didn't tried abseiling or flying fox..just look at the queue.

Open book test on Temperance honor ;p

15 precious souls gave their life to Christ.

Didn't try kayaking either. (baptism crowd on the background)

UAE representatives with their uniform.

Asia-Pacific International University alumni singing Thai song..spot my sista there!

Singaporean singing.

Parade ground.

Special performance by the Ministry of Tourism Sabah.

Icecream was a popular commodity there.

Aki Maclean Kula belanja his cucu2.

Signing the Pathfinder biggest logo.

Everyone wants a piece of themselves on the logo.

Yours truly with sleepyface..again.

Walking by faith, not by sight! 

Vietnam 2015?

p/s: Happy Birthday Kakak Ludj. twenty three?hihi

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

24 ♥

Turning twenty-four with twenty-four hearties.

♥1. Mum
Without her, I wouldn't have any birthdays at all.

♥2. The Lord God Almighty
I may be a bit bi-standard and hypocritical in my faith now, but I am always in awe of His mercy, blessings and love.

♥3. Siblings
We get crazier as we grow older. I *heart* them so much!

My hero. Saw my cuzzie lost their grandpa recently and it hit me how close we are to our own grandpa. (Grandma included too!)

♥5. The Girls
From crybabies to wife. Uh. Can't imagine going through life's storm without them.

♥6. Extended family and friends.
They made me stronger in so many ways.

♥7. Students
Learnt a lot from them. And their young minds. I felt touched when they texted me informing who passed and who failed their Maths exam.. sweeeeet!

♥8. Kiro
Hate him but love him. Apparently the wisest canine we ever had.

♥9. Books
It's obvious. I just added dozens of new books from the bookfair recently. Probably will finish reading by 2015 or much later.

♥10. tumblr
My life. Narnia. You never know what you'll find in here.

♥11. nutella
Newfound spoonful of heavenly goodness.

♥12. momiji
Failed to buy new one coz I bought ♥13 instead. Just found out the least complicated way to own it!

My FUJIFILM instax. Haven't finished using up the first 10 polaroids yet just because I can't afford to buy new set. hihi

♥14. Travel
First independent trip to Manila! Awesome backpacking experience I ever had, coz it's my first :) Hoping for more.

♥15. Hallyu wave
Idols and dramas. I'm not a teenager but ya, I still get excited watching B2ST performing the dance on Fiction. And watching Gag Concert.

♥16. Music
Choir trips. And this new song makes me even more excited!
*embed video here laaater when the time comes*

♥17. Movies
It's amazing how much you can learn from movies. Sometimes you just gotta roll the dice *wink*

♥18. One Piece
Still faithfully following even though I hoped Jinbe won't be their new nakama. But whatever. Can't wait to see chapter 649 in animated version!!! Probably few months to wait?

♥19. Maths
It still haunts me even after I am no longer an undergrad. Just bought a textbook on practical Maths thingy from Logos Hope. I don't know why I bought it!

♥20. Beaches
Goodness and gloriousness. Went to Tuhunon and Kodukoh, and gosh, what a gem! And it's in Kelawat...wow.
*insert picture laaater*

♥21. Weddings.
Of course I *heart* weddings, who doesn't, anyway? Peers are getting married, and it's a great way to meet old friends. Saturn's is on January. I don't know why I am overly excited about it. ^___^

♥22. Career Opportunities
Interviews. Learning to cherish it. It is the gateway to paychecks. Hmm. Attending one tomorrow, actually.

♥23. Failures.
Sometimes the wrong choices can bring you to the right direction.

♥24. Love
My heart finally settles on someone. It took a whirlwind of event to realize it though. :) Love you.

** I'm too lazy to insert images, videos or even links now, despite of spending my birthday doing lazy stuffs. I'll update and polish this post when I rajin laaater.

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