Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Summer Born

Happy Birthday Big Bro.

All the best with your herbivore-ism.

You still owe me a bag.

Clifford is now 26. Still as skinny as he was 15 years ago.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Summer Tears

Tears of joy, tears of sadness. Tears are words that need to be written, spoken, shared. -Paulo Coelho-

I don't need anyone's permission to do what I feel is right for me. Not regretting any of it and not a single tear dropped, maybe I AM a lot wiser than before.^^

Somebody is going to love you better than I do. Fare thee well.

Life is just a cup of cake. Happy Cupcake Week! (I didn't know such week existed..)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Summer Lovin'

They say every summer has its own story. It maybe not a real summer here, but for me it is still summer. I can call it whatever I like.

Summer is all about the sun, but here, too much sun is harmful. Sunbathing is not wise. There is load of summers' rain too and staying indoor is a lot wiser.

Today's highlight is this indoor game!

Superb FUN-ness albeit the post-climb effects includes terrible muscle-ache (even tooth-brushing is a pain).
It's simple to say that the game is only to strive upward and looked easy but obviously, they way up is not easy. After my third climb I had to stop even though I wanted more. I couldn't make a fist, my fingers are cramped.

First-time wall climbers (or cooler to say, rock climbers).

This indoor climbing center is somewhere in Likas Sport Complex 'neighborhood'.

We had fun with this challenge, and thinking to do it on real rock someday. It doesn't hurt to dream a lil'..^^

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