Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I ♥ December

December is no doubt my favorite-est month of all.

The pews at church are always full, filled with faces you haven't seen in ages. Faces you miss.
Weekends are never silent, always filled with invitations to attend feasting of any kind.
Weeknights are occupied with singing carols around the kampung (and you go home kekenyangan every night).
Shopping malls are busy as crazy.
Simply staying at home all day long felt so damn good instead of being bored..must be the Christmas spirit.
The only month where I can tolerate on being over-fed with sugar and skip the calorie counting (like I ever counted before).
You go to Mi Sup KB and you'll meet lots of familiar faces there..everyone DOES love misup..especially on's a mystery why.

And obviously, it's my birth-month!

As for today, it is already school day but I'm not ready to give up the partying mood yet! Another BIG party awaits next Sunday.

I really don't want to go back to school yet~

Monday, December 7, 2009

Twenty One to Twenty Two

I WAS 21, and I am listing down 21 things/stuffs/lessons I've learnt throughout that one year period.

Disclaimer: A famous blogger did the same on his birthday, here's his post. No, I am not plagiarizing.

Warning: This is going to be a LOOOOOOOOONG post.

1. I enjoyed parasailing, and considered it my truest passion! Lesson learnt: The higher you are, the nicer the view.2. I liked snorkeling as well, but for sure, parasailing is much cooler! Lesson learnt: Corals are beautiful.3. Went to see the Climbathon and I wanted to try...but let's be realistic, I haven't set foot on Mt Kinabalu's peak yet. Lesson learnt : You can race without your limb.4. Had fun with church choir trips. Visited lots of churches. Lesson learnt: Lungkidau is FAR from Kelawat.5. CARE Group made me love the Scriptures even more! Lesson learnt: Scripture memorizing is seriously enriching!

6. Survived 4-day camping with limited clean water supply. Well, that's one of the reason why it is COOL being a Pathfinder in Sabah..Campsites are always imperfectly challenging! Lesson learnt: Bring LOADS of wet tissue/baby wipes when you go camping.*Sy rasa dorang pun teda mandi pagi ni..haha..kan Benjo?

7. 500 Days of Summer is a very beautiful piece of art! Lesson learnt: Be like Zooey Deschanel..or Summer. I'm a fan of both character.8. I finished doing my dissertation and survived viva. Lesson learnt: A LOT!--The Lord answers prayer.
9. Started blogging, Lesson learnt: Nuffnang can make you rich.But I'm not a Nuffnang-er, yet.

10. I got flute to keep both sides of the brain balanced. Lesson learnt: I may liked strings more, but I'm much better with windpipes.

11. I enjoyed New Moon (still haven't watched Twilight tho), but realized that I am not a Twiliter, nor I will ever be. =( Lesson learnt: Taylor Lautner's abs is hot!*Lautner & Swift makes a sweet couple! Source: People Magazine

12. Discovered Bill Bryson and Geoff Dyer. Lesson learnt: Travel books are more enjoyable than fictions.*Hard to finish this feels like textbook. I like it nonetheless!

13. Had one memorable moment with fellow Mathematician. Lesson learnt: Mathematician parties like crazehh!14. Utilized the art of Googling. Lesson learnt: Typing the right keywords require skills.

15. Fall out of love, and I'm glad I did because I decided to see it from the bright side. Lesson learnt: The same love can make you laugh and cry. *Arbie Norman Sibadogil makes a great boyfriend...if you're 15 and below..=) This was taken last nite at RasaRia!

16. Should have graduated on October, but I didn't. Lesson learnt: Maths is hard..harder than average people can imagine!

17. Discovered a timeless quote by Audrey Hepburn, and it's my current favorite. Lesson learnt: She's a classic!*So good, I can't help uploading this pic twice.

18. Had experiments with recipes. Lesson learnt: Cashew nuts are great with kacang buncis.*Learning how to do this very soon!

19. Reunited with POB and had a blast karaoke-ing with them last Friday. Lesson learnt: Friends are angels in disguise.

20. Radical prayer are not merely requests but more to praises. Will write more soon coz this is an important lesson. Lesson learnt: Praise Him, because He is worthy of praise.

21.Had lovely moments at the beach. Lesson learnt: Beaches are romantic.
  • 5th Dec: Went to a (hidden gem) beach in Pituru with siblings and cuzzies. That's us, Charmain, Clarie, Carolyn, Frankkelly..captured by Cafferil. And no, it's not semaphore.
  • 6th Dec: Attended Arthur & Zita's beach/sunset wedding ceremony at RasaRia Resort and I told mum "Saya pun mau beach wedding la"..=D I leave to your imagination on what Mum replied, I'm surprised! I took this pic when the sun is still scorching, and as dusk approaches, it's bloody ROMANTIC!

Need to say more on how blessed I am?

I learnt a lot from my mistakes, I'm thinking of doing more.

Lesson number 22 is FAMILY COMES FIRST, NO MATTER WHAT! I will update later, celebration di Resepi Rahasia awaits me. I love you Mum!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

SAVING so that I can spend MORE for Xmas!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

She Said Yes for Commitment

Here's Kilyn on her wedding day last weekend.

She looked even sweeter and more matured now that she is someone's wife.

I can still perfectly remember those childhood days of ours, happily and naive-ly running around during aunties' wedding..and now, SHE'S MARRIED!

Time flies.
I feel old.

I felt like crying the moment I saw her sitting on her bridal throne that day. But I didn't. Too dramatic eh. I wish the best for her wedding, til death do them part. (^.^)

Several 87-baby friends are getting hitched very soon, and I salute them for their ability to decide that they're ready for commitment. I can't do such decision at this point. I can't even make up my mind for a relationship, let alone life-long commitment. (-.-") To say 'I'm ready to commit' is ONE BIG STEP for anyone. I really wonder what catalyzed (sorry la, poor vocab ni) someone to make such decision? I mean, starting a family is a HUGE responsibility. Marriage is no joke.

Maybe it's just me and my insecurities, but still, commitment of any kind is not in my distant planning. looking forward for dozens of weddings on Dec! Makan..makan..

Undergrad Note
One more paper (Dr J's) to go tomorrow before I can escape to boredom of semester break!
Went jogging to free up my nokulut (tangled up) mind yesterday, and guess who I met? Dr J~~who was joy-bike-riding with his kids. I became even more stressed with the sight of him. lol

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mathematician Is.

"Mathematician is like a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat which isn't there."

~ Charles R. Darwin

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Disney PIXAR Best Animation so far.. UP

I don't usually give movie reviews, but here I am..doing the second movie review after 500 Days of Summer (still the best movie tho').

I'm outdated. I RARELY watch movies on the premiere or opening week. But I'm thinking of watching Ninja Assassin and New Moon as soon as it is premiered by the end of this month.

I saw the trailer for UP while watching Ice Age 3 with my favorite ex last July (or June). I was a bit skeptical at first, thinking that this is just another animated movie. But then last night, me and my housies, ok..siblings, watched it at home, in Hi-Def. Don't ask how I got it. It's been a while since I last saw a family friendly-heartwarming-adventure kinda movie, and this one is real GOOD! If I have three hands, I'll give triple thumb-ups.

Watching in HD is so satisfactory! You can pause at any scene, hit the Prt Sc button and set it up as wallpaper..ha ha ha (that's what baby bro told me to do). My point is, the color pop out brightly, the image is more than sharp and it's really eye-candy. I almost forgot that it's animated. =)
The plot is rather predictable however, good vs evil, good always wins.

If you are romantic, you'll see the love story.
If you are comedic, you'll see the comedy.
If you are action-flick fan, you'll be disappointed to see that this is a kid movie, no aksi ganas lo.

Personally, I see this movie as the journey in realizing the main character's life-long dream. He finally got it at 78. So, I ask I able to realize my so-called lifelong (cis..baru 21++ years) dream? To partake in the greatest adventure I always wanted to do?Hihihi..I hope I can set foot on my own Paradise Fall earlier than when I turn 78. I have an almost similar dream with the main character, Carl Fredricksen. To globe-trek.

Here's an illegal usage of the image. (Kelik gambar untuk menambahkan kejelasan)

I love blue sky, with bright colors contrasting. Same goes with the wide blue ocean. Blue is the color, football is the game..(Tiba2 lagu Chelsea terlintas..)

Enough for now, I think I've said too much un-necessary details here.

Friday, November 6, 2009

If Only.

will it be easier then?

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Hola November.

Today I want to share on The Perfect Way to Enjoy your Fine Dark Chocolate (dengan intonasi paling skema)..Actually, it is Cadbury Bournville Fine Dark Chocolate. I got these tips printed on the wrapping paper of the choc!

  1. Fine dark chocolate delivers unique experience. So before you taste your Bournville, take a moment to savor its rich aroma. This will help heighten your appreciation of the flavor.
  2. Take a bite. A small one.
  3. Focus on the bouquet of flavors as the chocolate melts on your tongue. Note the texture, the feel of it. Take your time. A fine dark chocolate is not something you hurry.
  4. Take a deep breathe.
  5. Continue to savor bit by bit, taking time to enjoy the rich cocoa taste that is distinctively Cadbury Bournville.

Frankly, I find this funneh as, for me, I crack a bar, then simply bite it. I don't take deep breathe or focus on the bouquet of flavors.
Fine dark chocolate naturally contains high anti-oxidants but milk chocolate DOES NOT!! Dark choc is in very matured kind of taste. Anti-oxidants gobble up free radicals, destructive molecules that are implicated in heart disease and other ailments. Sentence made simple, it prevents cancer. On how does it work, hmm, go and read the medical journals and research papers yourself. This is not an educational blog..hihi.

I believe, there is a scientific proof out there that verifies eating choc eases PMS pain and cravings. It may be psychological only, but if it really helps, then why not? It works perfectly well with me..*grins*

Statistics tells:
Nine out of ten people like chocolate. The tenth person always lies....

Forget love -- I'd rather fall in chocolate!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Days with My Father

I came across with this beautiful, heart-warming journal today and it really touched my heart. I felt the love, the bond and the beauty in their family.

I, myself, am blessed with a beautiful family (I praise Thee), however I don't have my own daddy's moment. One thing I always wanted to be but will never be is to be a Daddy's girl. Somehow it hurts, but it doesn't make me less blessed anyway. (^.^)v

Ugh, am supposed to revise this week, but I have three unfinished assignments due tomorrow, plus final editing of dissertation. Exam is next week. I seriously need to breathe!

Doing dissertation is one messy business! (does not apply to some people though)~~~

Monday, October 26, 2009

Coooool Weekend

23rd Mount Kinabalu International Climbathon was the actual reason we went to Kundasang for our weekend getaway. Neng (mum's hubby) and Ayue (mum's 1st cousin) participated.

They took off at 7am Sunday morning. The champion arrived at 9 something, here's his picture. Can't believe he is 21! We didn't managed to shoot on his glorious arrival due to..erm, we're still asleep in our cozy rented cabin. What's the point of going for a getaway when you're still bounded by schedule and rushing all the way? So, we intentionally overslept and only managed to see the 12th or 13th participants arriving. It's overwhelming to be at the finishing line. .

This guy endured physical pain..

This guy cried..probably disappointed by his own performances?

This guy is all smiles!

This guy is bloody inspiring..he is without his right limb, yet managed to finish top20. Well, you don't race with your's the feet that matters!

This is the pride of Sabahan..pindik-pindik tagap applies to them! There's several Malaysians in the top10..but pictures not available. These guys here have those blue bracelet which indicates that they did reach the summit. Among 173 participants, only 53 or 58 managed to reach the summit on the given time. The rest were asked to turn back..and got DNF (Did Not Finished) printed on their certificate..

The choice of footwear by the locals and the foreigners. They say adidas kampung/samson (left pic) has more grip than any other shoes. It's rubber, Crocs-like and widely used by farmers.

Neng was actively participating Climbathon (and Marathon) ten years ago. He stopped for a while, then recently resumed his participation. I don't think he's in it to win anything, mostly it is for the motivation to stay healthy. An excuse to eat the right meals and to keep your heart pumping. I can see myself in the future doing this..haha..

Next un-related to the Climbathon..

It's cold! But it's bearable to shower..given that there's heater! I stay in Kundasang at least once a year for our church seminars/meetings/etc (usually on Friday-Sunday)..and I know how to keep myself warm..SHOWER! Ironic as it may seem, it works for me. =)

*Pics taken by baby bro..

Friday, October 23, 2009

Here Comes Weekend

After an incredibly hectic week, weekend feels like such a big blessing. Can you imagine life without weekend? I mean, working non-stop..without that one day to really rejuvenate yourself and really live your life. I am blessed to have such a day..seriously. My weekends are never dull, always something special waiting in store. And this time, it'll be a family getaway at someplace cool. Place where it's ok not to shower for a day..or two.

I love life. I am blessed!

*I'm still not over 500DaysofSummer..felt such a strong connection with what Summer felt about relationship..Not comfortable being someone's someone. Hmmm..

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


500 Days of Summer is pure awesomeness! Definitely MY cup of tea~~

They (whomever it may concern) don't show it in KK..yet..or probably won't show it at all..but I got a *cough*downloaded*cough* version. Thanks to Baby Bro and Torrent. A bit fuzzy here and there but I'm not fussy..=) Going to get the Blu-Ray (bagus kalo ada Blu-Ray player..haha)..ok, ok..DVD when it comes out. Definitely worth-ed..applies only to individual who likes the same thing I like though.

You see..I can watch all genre of movies, but to say 'I love that movie' is not a frequent occurrence.

It only happens when the movie:
  • Makes me laugh
  • Makes me think/feel.
Pretty general, I know. (^.^)

Family Fun Fact
  1. Our (me&siblings) first favorite movie was Yankee Zulu.
  2. Baby Bro is a CGI effect fan.
  3. Sista enjoys romantic comedy.
  4. Mum is Hallmark's biggest fan.
  5. Neng likes action movies from the 80's, 90's.
  6. Big Bro and Uncle No 3 likes Jet Li's and martial arts called kung-fu.
  7. Uncle No 1 likes movies that I never heard of.
  8. Granpa loves Tamil/Hindi movies.
  9. Granma loathes it but still, watching it together..they're cute!

I'm loving every single detail in 500DaysofSummer. It's cruel but realistic. Every line is quote-able, the soundtrack is amazing. I love the non-linear time-line. And I seriously think that (aspiring) architects are sexyyy!*grins*

My favorite line gotta be.."I'm Autumn".

By this mean, it's pretty obvious that I finished the hardest phase of doing Final Year Project, the presentation and final draft submission. Next, need to see my examiner and discuss on how can I get more marks. =)

Ok. I'm bored. Going to mop the floor then. Yes, I do the chores when I'm bored.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tajuk-less #2.

Saya merasa sungguh di-kompress (tertekan atau dimampat)..lalu saya pergi masak nasi.

Sehubungan dengan itu, saya memecahkan 2 biji telur gred A serta memukulnya (macam aneh). Selepas itu, tomato yang bersaiz normal dicincang kepada bentuk trapezoidal. Seterusnya, memanaskan kuali-tidak-mudah-melekat dan peristiwa penggorengan dijalankan.


Dengan beberapa kelip mata, pinggan menjadi licin..dan hati menjadi riang-ria, bersemangat serta dimotivasikan semula.

Baiklah..gambar-gambar hiasan kali ini, seperti biasa (jika stres) tiada kaitan dengan pendahuluan dan isi tersurat.

*pediped has more super cute collection!

Selain cupcake, babies shoes adalah benda2 ter-kiut di muka bumi..dan ya, sedikit sebanyak kecenderungan saya menyukai kasut bayi dipengaruhi oleh Sinae dari We Got Married rancangan realiti tv Korea..Sila google rancangan itu kalau tidak tahu..(

Uh..I think I'm sick.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Waiting for...

...the day I can say "It's a Wrap" for my dissertation. I am supposed to send in the whole thing today but the date was extended to this Friday (for MATLAB-ers only though). Extra hours to do it properly! I have to say my gratitude!

En-queued in movie-to-watch-after-I-finish-my-dissertation list is this one! Can't wait.

A story of...
Boy meets girl. Boy falls in love. Girl doesn't.

Update: I'm not really into romantic comedy or chick-lit, but a little bit of romance won't do harm I guess..(^.^)

JoyceTheFairy warned: Don’t watch it with your partner or someone you used to date!
Or on a date.

May be a bit awkward!

Ok, noted! Gonna watch alone at home anyway..

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Fun Theory - Piano Stairs

I quote from this video :
Fun can obviously change behavior for the better.

So, have fun!

Friday, October 9, 2009

It Should Have Been.... celebration.

But, it's not. And I am perfectly okay with it.(^.^)

I would be lying if I say there's no slight envious feeling of seeing friends carrying bags with big CONGRATULATION on it. It supposed to be our moment of glory.

However, at this point, I am still struggling with my dissertation. I have yet to get my result/final output and madam supervisor suggested to add ten, yes, TEN more independent variable to the network. I was dumbfounded since Oct 14 is the due date, and today is what? Today is 9th. Madam N motivated be, saying she believes/know that I can do it..and that means a lot. A LOT! Thanks~

Yesterday's class, Dr J announced that 90% of us failed MidTerm on his paper.Screw me, but I am used to such kind of news. It's perfectly normal for me to be in that majority.(it surprises me that the percentage are 90 this sem , it used to be smaller)
It didn't affect my motivation to finish my project anyway. Sometimes too much of optimism scares me.I worry that I am not worrying about anything anymore.*sigh*

"What if's" are constantly lingering in my mind. What if I did it differently back then? Would I be celebrating now, instead of struggling?...I would never know...

But, I believe the Lord Almighty have yet to teach me something in this extra two sem. (kasi senang hati sendiri..=D) I may not be aware of what it is, but I am as eager as a beaver!

Seeing happy faces of my graduating friends send comfort in me, I would be twice as happy as them next year knowing that I succeeded overcoming my weaknesses. I am going to strive harder for that day. Who could ever thought that this chacha who hated/never good/no distinct interest in maths would end up majoring in Maths for her degree? I don't. Not even the faintest idea.

Moving and bouncing up is the only way left when you hit rock bottom...Eh, I haven't hit rock bottom la..The challenges are still bear-able so far.*grins*

*And I'm tired of citing the origin of this (actually somewhere else, but it was added in visualizeus..some sort of medium for image lovers) is the source of every pic here, except when stated else.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dancing in the Rain


I love people who smile when it's raining..and I myself smile too.

In conjunction of this continuous rainfall, here's two quotation that I reeeallly LOVE.

Literally, I can't dance..I'm a kaki bangku..but when it comes to figurative, I am learning to dance in the rain! It's good for the spirit..Yah, yah..the optimism again. (^.^)

Umbrella, anyone?

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

academic cycle

Lets just say, I am stuck between confusion and hopelessness which eventually leads me to lose my sanity.
Really looking forward to reach accomplishment, which feels so distant from me.

No, I am NOT complaining.

*image from vi.sualize again..they say it vi.sualize, et. al when it comes to writing dissertation*
*which reminds me..i finished typing a blog post in just one minute, yet for dissertation, one hour equals to less than a paragraph*

Friday, September 25, 2009

How You See It Makes A Difference

A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: 'I am blind, please help.' There were only a few coins in the hat.

A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.

Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, 'Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?'

The man said, 'I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way.'
What he had written was: 'Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it.'

Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?

Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the second sign was more effective?

Moral of the Story: Be thankful for what you have. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively.

Invite others towards good with wisdom. Live life with no excuse and love with no regrets. When life gives you a 100 reasons to cry, show life that you have 1000 reasons to smile. Face your past without regret. Handle your present with confidence. Prepare for the future without fear. Keep the faith and drop the fear.

Great men say, 'Life has to be an incessant process of repair and reconstruction, of discarding evil and developing goodness.... In the journey of life, if you want to travel without fear, you must have the ticket of a good conscience.'

The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling...
And even more beautiful is, knowing that you are the reason behind it.

*Source : Not sure, found it somewhere in my inbox. Credits to whomever that shared this story in the first place.

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