Friday, April 30, 2010


Outside my window is the view of a tranquil, serene full moon over the hill. Gorgeous view.

Exactly what the current Sabbath School lesson is all about: The environment is just as much a gift from God as life itself.

An obligatory moon image. ^^ And the rest are spring images. Liking the color tones.

“The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it” Psalm 24:1, NIV

But I can't answer this question in the lesson: How does Sabbath keeping help us be better environmentalists?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

He Breaks My Heart

Last night, I met this boy at the airport.

As they were called to board, he stared at me and asked "Au ida naik kapal?". I said no. He asked again "Napa?Mayi ba..", as he pulls my hand.

If only he knew how badly I wanted to fly! Anyway, he's a cutie.^^

He is probably having his first LRT ride and sight-seeing around the twin towers now. And Mum is probably spending jutaan rupiah. *sigh of jealousy* While I'm here, with se7en more chapters to read through for my exam tomorrow.

But on the good news, am thankful that my epistaxis finally stopped after it occurred continuously since Friday. I freaked!

Lesson learnt: don't blow your nose too hard.

Gambar hiasan yang teda kaitan from Children At Risk Foundation Brazil.

Friday, April 16, 2010

PEN pictures

I am vain.

PEN E-P1 has several art filters features that saves time from Photoshop-ing.


PIN HOLE (my fav)

SOFT FOCUS on Mum's rose.
Manual setting on spring in IP..Those sakura-like trees are just lovely. Made us feel very oriental.^^
Sunset from Seri Maju.
I wouldn't say PEN is the most perfect camera coz it is not. It has no built-in flash, the viewfinder is kind of useless, bla bla. And we can't help but to compare it with DSLR.
But I won't say much, I am not an aspiring photographer nor a photography enthusiast. I just appreciate good art of photography and wish that 10 years from now, looking back all the pictures, I won't be disappointed with the quality, knowing that a good investment on camera really pays off.
Well, there is no perfect camera..after all, perfection is boring, aye?

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dream Come True

Cheesy title..^^

I wrote it here...And today... in hand. It's Mum's..but technically I will be using it the most. I LOVE YOU MUMMY!

Future pictures will be taken by this PEN E-P1. SLR are just too heavy and technical for me. But kinda disappointed that the view finder does not function as much as I expected it to be. T___T
It comes with a bag I reallllllly love too! See how classic it is?

I'm thinking of giving name to this camera..hmmm...

Monday, April 5, 2010

It Hurts

Grant me the serenity to accept things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

It hurts to know that my dearly beloved friend went through a painful phase and I can do nothing about it. It hurts not knowing what is inside my friend's mind, what is my friend's conflict, what is my friend's desire and what my friend really need. I could offer some comfort to my friend, but I can't really ease the pain. My friend had to take it up alone, my friend endured the sting. My friend held so many mystery inside, things I could never understand why. Things I do not dare to ask either.

It is true that everyone make mistakes, but some went too far. I would never judge my friend, nor I would ever condemn. That is what my friend decided to do and I would accept it even though my view differs. It is my friend's life, my friend's journey, my friend's decision. Not mine.

I take my hats off for my friend. My friend had the courage and strength. I literally would die if I am faced with the same thing. My friend is all smiles and laughter, but deep inside, when my friend is alone, I know there'll be tears.

It hurts for me to watch my friend from a distance. But it hurts even more deeply for my friend who bear the burden.

I will always be there for you, my dear friend. Just like Io who never left Perseus. ^^

P/s: I really love the name Io.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I had too much free time.

I don't..actually. Just slightly free-ier than the others.

It's been a crazy week for my classmates...due dates for most of the assignments and first draft submission of their final year project. Soooo damn glad that me and Clandy already finished ours last semester. We've been there, continuous sleepless night and had panda-eye. Had to escape classes and skip showering to optimize our time!^^ But in the end, it's rewarding. Holding those completed green covered dissertation made me so proud of my personal achievement. ha ha

While most of our classmate struggled with their's what I did.

Fully utilizing students' bowling privilege. After Oct, no more RM3.50 per game. *Please excuse the irregular framing/borders/whatever, this is my first attempt doing so.

Voluntarily did ninety percent of work for our group assignment above. This is the first time EVER we were allowed to be creative with our cover page. I honestly enjoyed doing the whole project and didn't mind doing all the works..alone. Seriously enjoyed. Coz I enjoyed the subject, the lectures, the lecturers and the whole thing. Why can't all subjects be as fun as this?

Yeah, I had too much free time..but then, there's no pleasure in having nothing to do. The fun is in having lots to do and not doing it..^^ Haiya, really should indulge in schooldays..there'll be no more soon.

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