Sunday, June 19, 2011


It's a beautiful saying, but not necessarily true :(
It could work the other way round.

But I hope someday my daughter will have this kind of dad. trolololol...:D

Today is the day everyone wishes well to their father and here's my list.

I thank the Lord for grandpa. He who had worked really hard all of his life; who raised us to be fearful to the Lord; who emphasized on strict Sabbath keeping and paying the tithe; who wakes us up early morn and he who brings us expensive presents. :))) Lord, bless our Ama with good health and happiness.

I thank the Lord for my uncles, No1-No4. They who know lots of things; who flooded our thoughts with knowledge; who played a great role in our career plans; who taught us how to drive and fishing; who exposed us (from such young age) to film SLR, HAM radio, Macintosh and Snickers bars; who brought us to travel around; and who gave us such cutie cousins. :))) Lord, bless their respective families.

I thank the Lord for Neng. He who cooks good food; who had always been there when we needed something; who showed us the importance of keeping the heart healthy and who is the head of our family. Lord, bless Neng with all the good things in life.

I thank the Lord for Daddy. For being our dad  the genes and lastname. Lord, fulfill his needs and bless him.

I am blessed. I thank the Lord for having them in my life. 
Happy Father's Day!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Bumi mana yang tidak ditimpa hujan?

Taking it literally, definitely no where near Pantai Barat Utara Sabah. Scary rain we have here!

As I was settling myself with this super-comfy life, drama and challenges decided to show up. Those drama was somehow inevitable. And like the sunrise, some things just have to happen and all you can do is watch. It's helpless. *sigh* :( Relationship can be hard sometimes, no? Not mine tho, but still, hard to watch.

Another drama, our dear Jojoy was and is still sick. Such young age and you have to deal with the pain, get well soon Joy. Hope you are feeling better now :)
A less dramatic event, I spent some time with the young cousins. The boys monopolized my laptop with their endless and politely suggested that I should download fun-ner apps in my phone for them to play with. My phone is not fun simply due to the fact that I have no Angry Birds. Boys, my knockoff iphone is NOT a smartphone, not even close. I hope a smarter phone falls from the sky, I'm having hard time texting with this non-existent keypad. ^^

Fun drama keeps you entertained. However, that alone is not enough to put up a good show. You need bad ones to keep it balanced. :)
Too much idleness makes a bum lazy. And heavy. And fat. Now, it's time to NOT to be lazy anymore. I'm ready for new drama and challenges. Time to make money!! Yosh!

As for "Bumi mana yang tidak ditimpa hujan?": Apparently google says that it's really dry in Atacama Desert, Chile. Rain does not go there often I guess. It does not (or I suppose VERY rarely) rain in Antartica & Egypt as well. hmmm..Should I move then?lol

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