Friday, June 8, 2012


Sorry April and May, didn't wrote anything. Life has taken me to a new dynamic, which keeps me occupied and  I am enjoying it very much.
I am back to studying, or should I call it training? Friends at my age are getting their STAFF cards and I am still with student card? Hmm. Didn't matter, had discounts (on movies) hihi.
More than three individuals asked me what am I doing in SSTC, "you work there?" they asked. I am flattered that they thought I am employed, but clearly it was the opposite. Whatever..learning is a never-ending process, quoting from a person whom shall not be named here. :)

So many updates but so lazy updating.
Here's some.

Ran my 2nd 10km marathon and finished better than 2011. :)

Mercury, our kakak sulung finally got engaged. Officially.

The Kaamatan holiday was loaded with fun.
Funfair (and noreabang) moment which was crazehhh..waiting for more fun pics from gidi.
Pelel got married!
Silent Miracle in Rani :)

Jalan-jalan pigi bgambar.
Panat lumpat.

Almost halfway through 2012, and I am savoring each and every day of it. There's so many plan outlined in the second half of 2012. Next week Mon-Tues, Outward Bound School. Wed-Sun, in Kch and unable to join class outing on Friday :(
July: will leave the classroom and get ready for new environment.
Aug: Bestie's wedding
Sept: Labuan (hope it's on! Haven't been there since Matrix days)
Oct: MOH cuzzy's wedding (Excited!)
Nov: Shenzhen trip? (Big bro, I need your charity)
Dec: Mercury's wedding.

And it will be 2013. Wow, I hope I am employed by then coz I need to build up my career ASAP. I'm aging, can't help it. Financial stability is THE goal now.

See you soon.
Thank you readers who kept clicking even tho this blog is on hiatus for a while. :)

I miss my boyfriend who is probably having lots of fun spending his renminbi now. :(

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