Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I ♥ December

December is no doubt my favorite-est month of all.

The pews at church are always full, filled with faces you haven't seen in ages. Faces you miss.
Weekends are never silent, always filled with invitations to attend feasting of any kind.
Weeknights are occupied with singing carols around the kampung (and you go home kekenyangan every night).
Shopping malls are busy as crazy.
Simply staying at home all day long felt so damn good instead of being bored..must be the Christmas spirit.
The only month where I can tolerate on being over-fed with sugar and skip the calorie counting (like I ever counted before).
You go to Mi Sup KB and you'll meet lots of familiar faces there..everyone DOES love misup..especially on's a mystery why.

And obviously, it's my birth-month!

As for today, it is already school day but I'm not ready to give up the partying mood yet! Another BIG party awaits next Sunday.

I really don't want to go back to school yet~

Monday, December 7, 2009

Twenty One to Twenty Two

I WAS 21, and I am listing down 21 things/stuffs/lessons I've learnt throughout that one year period.

Disclaimer: A famous blogger did the same on his birthday, here's his post. No, I am not plagiarizing.

Warning: This is going to be a LOOOOOOOOONG post.

1. I enjoyed parasailing, and considered it my truest passion! Lesson learnt: The higher you are, the nicer the view.2. I liked snorkeling as well, but for sure, parasailing is much cooler! Lesson learnt: Corals are beautiful.3. Went to see the Climbathon and I wanted to try...but let's be realistic, I haven't set foot on Mt Kinabalu's peak yet. Lesson learnt : You can race without your limb.4. Had fun with church choir trips. Visited lots of churches. Lesson learnt: Lungkidau is FAR from Kelawat.5. CARE Group made me love the Scriptures even more! Lesson learnt: Scripture memorizing is seriously enriching!

6. Survived 4-day camping with limited clean water supply. Well, that's one of the reason why it is COOL being a Pathfinder in Sabah..Campsites are always imperfectly challenging! Lesson learnt: Bring LOADS of wet tissue/baby wipes when you go camping.*Sy rasa dorang pun teda mandi pagi ni..haha..kan Benjo?

7. 500 Days of Summer is a very beautiful piece of art! Lesson learnt: Be like Zooey Deschanel..or Summer. I'm a fan of both character.8. I finished doing my dissertation and survived viva. Lesson learnt: A LOT!--The Lord answers prayer.
9. Started blogging, Lesson learnt: Nuffnang can make you rich.But I'm not a Nuffnang-er, yet.

10. I got flute to keep both sides of the brain balanced. Lesson learnt: I may liked strings more, but I'm much better with windpipes.

11. I enjoyed New Moon (still haven't watched Twilight tho), but realized that I am not a Twiliter, nor I will ever be. =( Lesson learnt: Taylor Lautner's abs is hot!*Lautner & Swift makes a sweet couple! Source: People Magazine

12. Discovered Bill Bryson and Geoff Dyer. Lesson learnt: Travel books are more enjoyable than fictions.*Hard to finish this feels like textbook. I like it nonetheless!

13. Had one memorable moment with fellow Mathematician. Lesson learnt: Mathematician parties like crazehh!14. Utilized the art of Googling. Lesson learnt: Typing the right keywords require skills.

15. Fall out of love, and I'm glad I did because I decided to see it from the bright side. Lesson learnt: The same love can make you laugh and cry. *Arbie Norman Sibadogil makes a great boyfriend...if you're 15 and below..=) This was taken last nite at RasaRia!

16. Should have graduated on October, but I didn't. Lesson learnt: Maths is hard..harder than average people can imagine!

17. Discovered a timeless quote by Audrey Hepburn, and it's my current favorite. Lesson learnt: She's a classic!*So good, I can't help uploading this pic twice.

18. Had experiments with recipes. Lesson learnt: Cashew nuts are great with kacang buncis.*Learning how to do this very soon!

19. Reunited with POB and had a blast karaoke-ing with them last Friday. Lesson learnt: Friends are angels in disguise.

20. Radical prayer are not merely requests but more to praises. Will write more soon coz this is an important lesson. Lesson learnt: Praise Him, because He is worthy of praise.

21.Had lovely moments at the beach. Lesson learnt: Beaches are romantic.
  • 5th Dec: Went to a (hidden gem) beach in Pituru with siblings and cuzzies. That's us, Charmain, Clarie, Carolyn, Frankkelly..captured by Cafferil. And no, it's not semaphore.
  • 6th Dec: Attended Arthur & Zita's beach/sunset wedding ceremony at RasaRia Resort and I told mum "Saya pun mau beach wedding la"..=D I leave to your imagination on what Mum replied, I'm surprised! I took this pic when the sun is still scorching, and as dusk approaches, it's bloody ROMANTIC!

Need to say more on how blessed I am?

I learnt a lot from my mistakes, I'm thinking of doing more.

Lesson number 22 is FAMILY COMES FIRST, NO MATTER WHAT! I will update later, celebration di Resepi Rahasia awaits me. I love you Mum!

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