Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Hola November.

Today I want to share on The Perfect Way to Enjoy your Fine Dark Chocolate (dengan intonasi paling skema)..Actually, it is Cadbury Bournville Fine Dark Chocolate. I got these tips printed on the wrapping paper of the choc!

  1. Fine dark chocolate delivers unique experience. So before you taste your Bournville, take a moment to savor its rich aroma. This will help heighten your appreciation of the flavor.
  2. Take a bite. A small one.
  3. Focus on the bouquet of flavors as the chocolate melts on your tongue. Note the texture, the feel of it. Take your time. A fine dark chocolate is not something you hurry.
  4. Take a deep breathe.
  5. Continue to savor bit by bit, taking time to enjoy the rich cocoa taste that is distinctively Cadbury Bournville.

Frankly, I find this funneh as, for me, I crack a bar, then simply bite it. I don't take deep breathe or focus on the bouquet of flavors.
Fine dark chocolate naturally contains high anti-oxidants but milk chocolate DOES NOT!! Dark choc is bittersweet...as in very matured kind of taste. Anti-oxidants gobble up free radicals, destructive molecules that are implicated in heart disease and other ailments. Sentence made simple, it prevents cancer. On how does it work, hmm, go and read the medical journals and research papers yourself. This is not an educational blog..hihi.

I believe, there is a scientific proof out there that verifies eating choc eases PMS pain and cravings. It may be psychological only, but if it really helps, then why not? It works perfectly well with me..*grins*

Statistics tells:
Nine out of ten people like chocolate. The tenth person always lies....

Forget love -- I'd rather fall in chocolate!!!

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