Thursday, March 17, 2011

Keeping Up

I'm trying to keep this blog healthy by posting at least one entry per week..note the word TRYING. :)

I still haven't blogged about our trip to Mabuhay land, and I'm thinking perhaps I won't blog about it at all. Been too busy with farmville, one piece and tumblr. =.=" 24 hours doesn't seem too long

Several career opportunities popped out, and I am so thankful. I am just not sure which risk should I take. I had been dreaming about taking the road less traveled, but these days, the road less traveled seems a bit crowded. So, probably I should go with the road MORE traveled. We'll see, we'll see.

I'm off to another camp this afternoon. Semper fidelis is the theme, and I am eager to learn more about the Word. The weather is quite a concern, but we've been there, done that. Nothing really worry us anymore. Our lack of interest in socializing is more worrisome. There was one camp, the Friday night program ended at 8.30 p.m. and we (me & Neptune) went straight to sleep. Perhaps we ARE aging and staying up late during a camp is just not our game anymore.

Anywho, we hope nothing but the best from this camp!

And an obligatory segment which I should include in this post is of course about Japan, where everyone keep chanting Pray for Japan. Here's my simple prayer, which I got from chibird.

All the aftermath of the earthquake which includes tsunami, fire, nuclear, radiation and stuffs...I hope you heal soon Japan.

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