Friday, September 18, 2009
Point of Views
Optimist : The glass is half-full.
Pessimist : The glass is half-empty.
Realist : Yep. That's a glass, alright.
Idealist : One day, cold-fusion from a glass of water will provide unlimited energy and end war.
Capitalist : If I bottled this and gave it a New Agey sounding name, I could make a fortune.
Communist : This drink belongs to every single one of us in equal measure.
Conspiracist : The government is fluoridating the water for mind-control purposes.
Sexist : This glass isn't gonna refill itself, honeybun...
Nihilist : The glass does not exist, and neither do I.
Opportunist : There's a funny t-shirt in here somewhere.
*I got this somewhere from through vi.sualize.
Deal with it, people are so diverged that they see the same thing very differently.
Thus, thou shalt not judge.