Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Doing MATLAB is torturing when nobody is helping you.

It will be as blank as the image shown above. I don't even know where to start.

Doing Artificial Neural Network, with (again) NOBODY helping is another torture.

How should my poor brain process all those networks above? I can't even do single linear network, and I am expected to do multiple layers? I'm dead.

Even deadlier when I have to run Artificial Neural Network using MATLAB, with again, NO ONE I can ask for help.

There's no references from previous dissertation, Madam N said I am the first ME undergrad to do ANN. (Should I be happy or what?). I am expected to explore the wonders of ANN by myself! I don't know how the output is going to look like..round?square?spherical?rhombus?.. I HAVE NO IDEA..not even the slightest visualization!


Father in heaven, I am sure Thee has so much to teach me through this dissertation. I have to learn being in the pioneer situation, with no road ventured. I have to mark my own trail.
It is hard for a human to say this, but I am thankful for this challenge. I know I will emerge as a more equipped person after I succeed doing this. I believe in Your mighty plans, as there's no trials beyond what I can bear. You'll provide a way out so that I can stand up under it.
After all, I can DO ALL THINGS through Christ! Father, I pray for Your angels and Holy Spirit to be with me as I resume my works. Grant me peace of mind. In Christ blessed name, I pray. Amen.

Exhale. And I am feeling much better. Optimism and short talk with the Authorities up there always works for me.

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